"; //echo "this is getModel: " .$this->_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(1565); //echo"

"; //echo "this is getDescription: " .$desc = $this->_product->getDescription(); ////BROKEN echo "this is getDescription: " . $product->getDescription(); BROKEN ////BROKEN echo "this is getDescription: " . $category->getDescription(); BROKEN //echo"

"; //$categoryId = $this->getCategoryId(); echo "This is categoryID: " . $categoryId; //echo"

"; //foreach ($diff as $difference){echo "This is difference " . $difference;} //echo"

"; //echo "This is unselected items: " . implode(" and ",$diff); //echo"

"; //echo "this is the first elem in unselected items " . array_values($diff)[0]; //echo"

"; //echo "This is what it thinks is missing: " . $error_message . "
"; //echo"

"; //echo "
This is the next item in the array " . next($all_elements). "

"; //echo"

"; //echo "This is how many have been selected so far: " . $selected; //echo"

"; //echo "total options is the count of how many filters are avail: " . $totalOptions. "

"; //echo"

"; //echo "

all elem that have count "; print_r($all_elements); //echo"

"; //echo "

This is the difference between the arrays"; //echo"

"; //print_r($diff) ; //echo"

"; //echo "This is all names start"; //foreach ($_filters as $_filter){$all_names[] = $filter->getItemsCount();} print_r($all_names); //echo "This is all names end"; //echo"

"; // $selected=($this->getLayer()->getState()->getFilters()); //echo"

"; // $totalOptions = count($this->getFilters()); //echo "total options before minus 1 below: " . $totalOptions. "
"; //echo"

"; //foreach ($_filters as $_filter){echo "this is filter getName: " . $this->__($_filter->getName());} //echo"

"; //echo "this is filter getHtml: " .$_filter->getHtml(); //echo"

"; //foreach ($_filters as $_filter){echo "this is getFilters: " .$this->getFilters();} //echo"

"; // echo "This is the loaded product collection" . $_productCollection; //echo"

"; //echo "this is the make=" . Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('make'); //echo"

"; //echo "this is the model=" . Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('model'); //echo"

"; //echo "this is the year=" . Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('year'); //echo"

"; //echo "this is the cab_model=" . Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('cab_model'); //echo"

"; //echo "this is the front_seating_type=" . Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('front_seating_type'); //echo"

"; //echo "this is the seating_type=" . Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('seating_type'); //echo"

"; //echo "this is the current url = " . $this->helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl().'&submit=1'; //echo"

"; //echo "this is the array with count Layer, Stat, Filters = " . count($this->getLayer()->getState()->getFilters()); //echo"

"; //foreach ($_filters as $_filter){echo "this is filter Getname: ". $this->__($_filter->getName());} //echo"

"; //foreach ($_filters as $_filter){echo "This is how many are in stock -> ". $_filter->getItemsCount(); } //echo"

"; //foreach ($_filters as $_filter){echo "Layer, State, Filters " . $this->getLayer()->getState()->getFilters();} //echo"

"; //echo "current url: " . $this->helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl(); //echo"

"; // echo "count is: " . $count . "
"; //echo"

"; //echo "this is selected: " . $selected . "
"; //echo"

"; //echo "total options: " . $totalOptions. "
"; ?> getId(); //$_categoryName = $_categoryID->getName(); echo "name: " . $_categoryName; echo"
"; //$_categoryDesc = $_categoryID->getDescription(); echo "desc: " . $_categoryDesc; echo"
"; //$_subcategories = $_category->getChildrenCategories(); //foreach($_subcategories as $_subcategory): // $cur_category=Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_subcategory->getId()); // echo "this is name of child: " . $cur_category->getName();echo"
"; // echo "this is desc of child: " . $cur_category->getDescription();echo"
"; //endforeach; // // $_cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(3); // $children = $_cat->getCollection();// Create category collection for children // //$children = $_cat->getChildrenCategories(); // $children->addIdFilter($_cat->getAllChildren());// Only get child categories of parent cat // $children->addAttributeToSelect('*'); // $kids_id = array(); // //$kids_name = array(); // $kids = array(); //make an array for all the kids to go into // foreach($children as $child) { // $kids[] = $child->getDescription(); // $kids_id[] = $child->getId(); // //$kids_id[] = $child->getId()->getName(); // } // echo " x " ; echo "
"; print_r($kids); echo "
"; echo"
"; // echo " y " ; echo "
"; print_r($kids_id) ; echo "
"; echo"
"; // // echo " z " ; echo "
"; print_r($kids_name) ; echo "
"; echo"
"; // Not being used: $children = explode( "," , $category->getChildrenCategories()); // Only shows direct decendants: $children = explode( "," , $category->getChildren()); //this is print_r of children : Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 8 ) // not being used: $child = $category->load( $child ); //echo "base url is " . Mage::getBaseUrl(); //base url is //$breadcrumbsUrl = array(); //$breadcrumbsUrl[] = $crumb->getUrlPath(); ?> Here is the export: " ; echo "
"; var_export($appliedFilters); echo "
"; //this contains all data for the filters ********************** ?> getName();?> Selected Categories: " . $_DBitemName[0];?>
"; var_export($appliedFilters); echo "
"; echo"
"; ?>
Breadcrumb ID trail is:
"; var_export($DBpath); echo "
"; echo"
"; ?>
Breadcrumb URLS:
"; var_export($breadcrumbsUrl); echo "
"; echo"
"; ?> kids that are left " . Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($catid)->getAllChildren(); /*$DBchildren*///$all_elements = explode( "," , $DB->getAllChildren($asArray = false)); //shows all children in DB under 3-floormats*** //->getProductCount() //echo "
count of kids is" . count(Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($catid)->getAllChildren($asArray = true)); //$all_elements = array(); //foreach ($_filters as $_filter) { /*add any filter to the all elements array if it is in stock*/ // if ($_filter->getItemsCount() > 0) { $all_elements[] = $this->__($_filter->getName());} //} //$z = get_class_methods($DB);// these are the member functions of that object //echo "
"; var_export($z); echo "
"; //jackpot! USE THIS OFTEN!!!!!!! // $selected_elements = array(); /*add the state of each filter and add it into the selected elements array*/ // foreach ($this->getLayer()->getState()->getFilters() as $_filter) { // $selected_elements[] = $this->__($_filter->getName()); // } //echo "
This is selected_elements
"; var_dump($selected_elements); echo "
"; echo"
"; //$diff = array_diff($all_elements,$selected_elements);/*Subtract the difference between the two values to see if any items are not selected */ //echo "
This is diff
"; var_dump($diff); echo "
"; echo"
"; // $breadcrumbsMultiArray[] = [ "path" => $crumbles, "name" => Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($crumbles)->getName() ]; //echo "

Breadcrumb Multi Names:
"; var_export($breadcrumbsMultiArray); echo "
"; echo"
"; ?>
Breadcrumb Names:
"; var_export($breadcrumbsArray); echo "
"; echo"
"; ?>
catid is empty
";}//This is for debug right now?>