Opening / Closing script tags ------------------------------------ comments // this is a single line javascript comment ------------------------------------ /* this is a multiline line comment*/ ------------------------------------ commenting out for older browsers ie: Variables ------------------------------------ var <-- makes a variable, case sensitive, only start w/letter or underscore no number, other letter-only letters-numbers-or-underscores. ------------------------------------ var x = 23; < must end in ; var x = 23.34556546; is ok var x = -23.34556546; is ok var x = "text must be in quotes"; or else--> var x = text; <-- set's var X to var text var x = "john said, "Hi""; won't work, " must be escaped like this--> "john said, \"Hi\""; var x = true; var x = false; var x = null; <-- has no value, empty var not 0 ------------------------------------ document.write("blah"); <--statement that print things to the screen ------------------------------------ var x = "Grace"; var y = 42; document.write(x + " is my name, I am " + y + " years old"); <-- will show --> Grace is my name, I am 42 years old ------------------------------------ Global and Local variables var X = " Global"; function myfunction(){ var Y = " Local " document.write( "X Inside the function" + X + "
"); document.write( "Y Inside the function" + Y + "
"); } myfunction(); document.write( "X Outside the function" + X + "
"); document.write( "Y Outside the function" + Y + "
"); will print only 3 lines: X Inside the function Global <-function Y Inside the function Local <-funtion X Outside the function Global <--only one from the doc.wr lines HTML Stuff Change CSS Call your stylesheets What we do first is to place a link in the of your XHTML document to include your style sheets. Make your link title somewhat descriptive. The JavaScript that is needed You'll need a small JavaScript to change the style. It also includes a cookie so the users' preference is remembered. Create an external JavaScript file called switch.js and add the following code: function setActiveStyleSheet(title) { linksFound = document.getElementsByTagName("link") for (i=0; i -1 && thisLink.getAttribute("title")) { thisLink.disabled = true if (thisLink.getAttribute("title") == title) { thisLink.disabled = false } } } } function getActiveStyleSheet() { linksFound = document.getElementsByTagName("link") for (i=0; i -1 && thisLink.getAttribute("title") && !thisLink.disabled) { return thisLink.getAttribute("title") } } } function getPreferredStyleSheet() { linksFound = document.getElementsByTagName("link") for (i=0; i -1 && thisLink.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("alt") == -1 && thisLink.getAttribute("title")) { return thisLink.getAttribute("title") } } } function cookieVal(cookieName) { thisCookie = document.cookie.split("; ") for (i=0; i tag, add a call to the external JavaScript file you just created: The form Next, we'll create a form so the user can choose the preferred style.
Notice the onclick and onkeypress matches the link rel title. functions ------------------------------------ function funky() { .... } <--creates a function ------------------------------------ screen pop up function funky() { alert("this creates a popup on the screen"); } funky(); <--calls a function with no params, runs by default ------------------------------------ using a button for a function
<--must be inside <--creates a button that calls the function
------------------------------------ Call a function with another function function first(){ document.write("Hello from first"); } function second(){ document.write("Hello from second"); } function start(){ first(); second(); } start(); Will print: Hello from firstHello from second parameters function meatball(anything inside parenthesis is the "parameter' of a function){ } ------------------------------------ function myfunction(X){ document.write("I like " + X); } myfunction("Y") Will Print," I like Y" Since Y was given as the parameter myfunction("Q") Will Print, "I like Q" Since Q was given as the parameter ------------------------------------ multiple parameters with line break ------------------------------------ function myfunction(one, two, three){ document.write(one + " comes before " + two + " which is before " + three + "
"); } myfunction("1","2","3"); Will Print," 1 comes before 2 which is before 3" ------------------------------------ You can reuse function on multiple lines myfunction("1","2","3"); myfunction("6","7","8"); Will print 1 comes before 2 which is before 3 6 comes before 7 which is before 8 ------------------------------------ Return statements function myfunction(){ return "This is the return text"; } document.write(myfunction()); will write: This is the return text ------------------------------------ function myfunction(a,b){ var c = a+b; return c; } document.write(myfunction(2,3)); Will print 5 ------------------------------------ Math var X = 4 + 6; document.write(X); Will print 10 var X = 4 + 6 + 8 + 2; document.write(X); Will print 20 var X = 4 - 6; document.write(X); Will print -2 var X = 10 * 2; document.write(X); will print 20 var X = 25 / 7; document.write(X); Will print 3.5714285714285716 Mod=% var X = 25 % 7; document.write(X); Will print 4 Increment counter var X = 7; X = X + 1; document.write(X); Will print 8 var X = 7; X++; document.write(X); Will print 8 var X = 7; X--; document.write(X); Will print 6 Assignment Operator var X = 7; X += 3; document.write(X); will print 10 var X = 7; X -= 3; document.write(X); will print 4 var X = 7; X *= 3; document.write(X); will print 21 var X = 7; X /= 3; document.write(X); will print 2.3333333333333335 var X = 7; X %= 3; document.write(X); Will print 1 var X = 7; X += 3; X -= 3; X *= 3; X /= 3; document.write(X); Will print 7 Convert a string to a number var y = Number(document.forms[0].elements[1].value); If Statements var X = 10; var Y = 10; if(X == Y){ document.write("It's equal"); } prints it's equal can use: if(X != Y) not equal if(X > Y) greater than if(X < Y) less than if(X <= Y) less than or equal if(X == Y) equal if(10 != 20) If else reads if 10 is not equal to... if(10 != 20){ document.write("true"); } else { document.write("false"); } Prints true Nesting reads if 10 is equal to... if(10 == 10){ if(10 > 5){ document.write("true"); } } else { document.write("false"); } Prints true Complex Conditions reads if first AND last... var first = "Grace"; var last = "Bowden"; if ((first=="Grace")&&(last=="Bowden")){ document.write(" Hello " + first + last); } else{ document.write("Who are you?") } OR reads first OR last... var first = "Grace"; var last = "Bowen"; if((first=="Grace") || (last=="Bowden") ){ document.write("Hello" + first) } Switch (case) statements Will continue down the list until a matching case is found or break; is seen var X = "Bowden"; switch(X){ case "Grace": document.write("Grace"); break; case "Bowden": document.write("Bowden"); break; } Prints Bowden break tells it to stop once it finds the first match Default Case var X = "Blah"; switch(X){ case "Grace": document.write("Grace"); break; case "Bowden": document.write("Bowden"); break; default: document.write("Nothing found") } Prints nothing found no need to break; default: Loops need a variable, and starting point. var can be made in the () Basic loop reads: for(x=0;x<10;x++) = starting at 0, and as long as x is less than 10, increment counter 1 time each loop. for(x=0;x<10;x+=3){ document.write("Grace
") } Will print Grace 4X for(x=0;x<10;x++){ document.write("Grace
") } Will print Grace 10X While loop first need a counter!! var x = 1; while (x<10){ document.write(x + " Grace"); x++ } Will print 1 Grace 1 Grace2 Grace3 Grace4 Grace5 Grace6 Grace7 Grace8 Grace9 Grace ------------------------------------------------- var x = 1; while (x<=10){ document.write(x + " Grace"); x++ } Will print 1 Grace2 Grace3 Grace4 Grace5 Grace6 Grace7 Grace8 Grace9 Grace10 Grace Do While while loop does: while(test)run code. do while loop does: do(code)while something is true code runs at least once var x = 5; do{ document.write(x + " Grace"); x++ }while(x<10); Will print 5 Grace6 Grace7 Grace8 Grace9 Grace var x = 5; do{ document.write(x + " Grace"); x++ }while(x>10); Will print 5 Grace Event Handlers can be outside script tags onClick
onMouseOver Google onMouseOut Google onLoad onUnload not working? Objects object.method Properties variables are objects and have built in properties: var X = "Hi" document.write(X.length); Will print 2 Methods document.write === write is a method of what the document object can do Create your own Object 1.uses a constructor function 2.script goes in the head, printing goes in the body 3.function X(prop1,prop2){ --- creates the blueprint for the new object 4.this.prop1/this.prop2 ---creates the properties of the new object 5.var ObjectName = new FunctionName("property", "property") creates the object itself ....... Will print Grace Bowden31 Accessing forms JS automatically treats each form element like an array
would be document.form[ 0] etc... This would be form 0, with 3 elements in it....
Will print 3 ------------------------------------------- Access the form using --- document.form[f#].element[e#].attribute
could have used " document.forms[0].elements[1].name;" Examples Example 1 takes form data, compares two values, prints to .innerHTML by ID, converts string to number Which is bigger?

Example 2 Add's a number a user input to all numbers up to that number and shows result. Verify's number is not negative. enter a positive number in A?


Calculate will add all of the numbers up to that number error will occur if a - is given

Notes from the book: Sun Microsystems made java in 1990’s Javascript made by Brendan eich at netscape, originally called livescript. Netscape collaborated with sun and it was named javascript. Is case sensitive DOM = document object model, winow, web page, and any HTML lelements are objects Parenthesis go around conditions, brackets encapsulate blocks of commands Popup Prompt Change BG color Var userColor; userColor = prompt (“Enter a color”); document.bgColor = userColor; JQuery The basic syntax is: $(selector).action()  A $ sign to define/access jQuery  A (selector) to "query (or find)" HTML elements  A jQuery action() to be performed on the element(s) Examples: $(this).hide() // hides the current element $("p").hide() // hides all

elements $(".test").hide() // hides all elements with class="test" $("#test").hide() // hides the element with id="test" Access outside (google) CDN Google CDN: // version 1 // version 2 Microsoft CDN: Make available to the webpage Ready event To prevent code from running before the document has been loaded, we use the document ready event: $(document).ready(function(){ // jQuery methods go here... }); Notes from Les WebProgII window.document.title is a property of the document object window.document.write() is a method of the document object DOM names are case-sensitive (as is Javascript). Browser Detection a cookie has 6 parameters that can be passed to it: The name of the cookie, The value of the cookie, The expiration date of the cookie, The path the cookie is valid for, The domain the cookie is valid for, The need for a secure connection to exist to use the cookie. End tags