/*This is the definition for a custom module in Magento that I built. */ true local /*This is the controller for the custom module*/ loadLayout(); $this->_addContent($this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/template')->setTemplate('customer/Reports/Amazon/amzFulfillment.phtml')); $this->renderLayout(); } public function amzInventoryAction() { $this->loadLayout(); $this->_addContent($this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/template')->setTemplate('customer/Reports/Amazon/amzInventory.phtml')); $this->renderLayout(); } } /*This is the xml for the menus for the custom module. */ customer 1 customer Documentation adminhtml/customer/Documentation 3 customer Custom Apps Custom Slider 2 adminhtml/customer/slider Admin Path Hints 1 adminhtml/customer/adminHints 1 customer Reports Amazon Daily Fulfillment 1 adminhtml/customer/amzFulfillment Amazon Inventory 2 adminhtml/customer/amzInventory ebay Inventory 3 adminhtml/customer/ebayInventory customer Full Forecast 4 adminhtml/customer/maxForecast 2 /*This is the configuration xml for the custom module. */ 1.0.0 customer_customer_Helper customer_customer customer.xml /*This extended the class for the custom module. */